"for reasons unknown.."

When I did a web search for Edward Dwight, he was presented to me as "American Sculptor". This is perfectly true. And not even close to encompassing his accomplishments.

That I had to look him up instead of having my head full of heroic tales told about him in story, song, and poetry is a shameful consequence of what this extraordinary human came against.

Among his breathtaking range of accomplishments, Dwight was chosen to be one of America's first astronauts.

Why he didn't go to space is described by the Smithsonian as recently as last year as "for reasons unknown . . "

Not even close.

Not even in the same solar system as the truth.

Try this; https://www.theringer.com/2020/12/26/22200915/ed-dwight-on-becoming-the-first-black-astronaut-that-almost-was

Dwight joins Larry Wilmore on his podcast. It's Wilmore's longest podcast. Give it two hours of your life. If you, like me, consume information in smaller chunks, take breaks and continue.

It's too powerful and too important to miss.

Before Dwight comes on, Wilmore has a heartwarming conversation with his daughter on the language of the song, "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas." Don't miss that either.

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